Time travel~ Day #6 (Week 3)

  • By Judy Bramhall
  • 25 Apr, 2020

April 25

Is anyone else baking bread? Slow boiling chicken carcasses? Planting vegetable seeds? Having meaningful conversations over a home-cooked meal? Playing board games? Have we time traveled back to pre-Industrial Revolution days? Does Mother Nature have something to say? I’m a ponderer and at the moment, I can’t stop pondering. I just can’t fathom what’s going on. In fact, everything’s going on. Not enough food. Too much oil. Disappearing jobs. Vanishing income. Grounded airplanes. Cancelled sports. Cancelled school. Shuttered stores. Shuttered movie theaters. Closed restaurants. Closed yoga studios. Closed museums. People sick and people dying. Overwhelmed hospitals. Life is now lived in our homes. Because we have to stay home, because our entire families are now under one roof all day long, naturally we’re trying new things. At least I am. Time has slowed down enough for us to catch up with ourselves and with each other. We’re learning new things about ourselves and about each other. I think I was born into the wrong era. Slowed down time actually energizes me. And surprisingly, my days are busier than ever. More meaningful than ever. And I’m not even getting into my car. I’m reading more, cooking more, gardening more. There is so much to learn, so much to practice, so much to do. There is a sense of urgency in the air - with so much unknown ahead of us, it feels vital to be productive, to expand our reach and to stay involved. Daily jobs, for those lucky enough to have one, gives structure to our days, so the unstructured time, the time we once used up on our commutes, feels like a privilege, an opportunity to try something new. Whatever we choose to do with this time, I hope its value will endure when we’ve returned to our normal lives, if they’re ever normal again.

On The Mat Yoga Blog

By Linda Malcomb May 3, 2020

“There is a light in the core of our being that calls us home—one that can only be seen with closed eyes; We can feel it as a radiance in the center of our chest. This light of loving awareness is always here, regardless of our conditioning. It does not matter how many dark paths we have traveled or how many wounds we have inflicted or sustained as we have unknowingly stumbled toward this inner radiance. It does not matter how long we have sleepwalked, seduced by our desires and fears. This call persists until it is answered, until we surrender to who we really are. When we do, we feel ourselves at home wherever we are. A hidden beauty reveals itself in our ordinary life. As the true nature of our Deep Hear is unveiled, we feel increasingly grateful for no reason—grateful to simply be.”

—John J. Prendergast, PHD, The Deep Heart  

By Linda Malcomb May 2, 2020

Seems like it’s been rainy, windy, dreary for eons. Which may have helped us shelter inside a bit more. I remember reading years and years ago in a Seth book that weather can be influenced, and even created by mass human emotion. Why not? We are far more powerful than we currently acknowledge, and science is beginning to validate many phenomena that had seemed inconceivable before. Those seemingly endless days of “bad” weather seemed congruent with the emotional tone of covid her in New England. And now SUN! Glorious, warming, invigorating, hope-filled Sun! Today I will be outside basking and gardening and thanking. And I’m sure the whole neighborhood, and most of New England will go outside, stand with our faces to the sun and breathe a huge healing breath of joy. And maybe the collective energy of that will resonate out across the word as a promise of brighter days to come.     

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