Loren Winters is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor certified by NAMA, the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. She is also an oncology nurse practitioner, with interests in cancer survivorship and is a yoga teacher at On the Mat Yoga. Loren Winters is a registered yoga teacher (RYT 500) and an Ayurveda Health Counselor (AHC). She began a dedicated yoga practice 20 years ago and has continued to study and expand her knowledge of the science of health and wellness as well as the philosophy of the Yoga tradition. She trained with Natasha Rizopoulos in Vinyasa style, with Bec Conant in Prenatal Yoga, Jillian Pransky in Restorative Yoga and with Kate O’Donnell in Ashtanga and Ayurveda. Loren offers 1:1 Ayurvedic health counseling, workshops and seasonal cleanses in fall and spring. Off the mat, she is a Nurse Practitioner at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center as well as an avid runner, outdoor sports enthusiast and a Mom to 2 kids. does not change the way we see things, it transforms the person
who sees”. B.K.S. Iyengar
We will explore seasonal transitions (such as winter to spring) and discover how these transitional times are an important time to re-tool your diet and your habits to balance the incoming qualities of the new season. Ignoring changes in the environment (such as dry/cold of winter into damp/melting of spring) can cause stagnation, buildup and may impair the immune system. We will discuss what adjustments to make in diet and lifestyle to keep in balance with the incoming season.
We are excited to take a deeper dive into Ayurveda by learning how to make Ayurvedic spice mixes, teas, and simple recipes that you can use to support your health everyday. Cooking classes can be one-one, for a family or group/community! Please contact Loren if you are interested.
Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse
Kickoff meeting, Sunday, April 6, 2025, 3-4:15pm
Why do an Ayurvedic Cleanse?
According to Ayurveda, India's holistic health system, overall health depends on a delicate balance between mind, body, spirit, and environment. A key preventative health routine is to follow a cleanse program at the seasonal junctures between winter-spring and then summer-fall. As changes occur in the natural environment, a week or so is taken for a special diet and nurturing routines to restore balance in mind and body. Spring is Kapha season; the paired energies of the earth and water elements are at work! As earth softens and ice melts, Kapha accumulates and can manifest as feeling heavy, sluggish, and congested. It's time to lighten up! Cleansing aids the natural process of clearing excess Kapha, revives digestion, and both grounds and brightens the mind/body.
Loren Winters, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, will guide you step by step through a time-tested 10-day plan. Also, doing a cleanse with others in the community makes cleanse time a more motivating and fun experience for all!
Recordings of these meetings will be made available to all participants.
Must purchase: The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook by Kate O'Donnell - we will use Kate's recipes for kitchari and spring dishes.
Dates: April 6-13
Kick off meeting: Sunday, April 6, 3-4:15pm (hybrid)
-Mid week meeting: Wednesday, April 9, 7-8pm (virtual)
-Wrap up meeting: April 13th Sunday 12:15-1:15pm (following Ramsay's 11-12 class, hybrid)
What's included:
-3 community meetings
-cleanse manual with detailed instructions
-shopping list
-spring cleanse daily planner
-access to Loren and the community daily via private social media group
$150 early bird/$175 after March 21
Initial Consult: 1 hr and 15 min $125..00
Follow-ups: 30 min $50.00
Package deal: Initial consult and schedule 1 follow-up: $150.00