I’m late to the OTM remote yoga party. Somehow I got swept up in the competing needs in a three generation household, settling into new routines with a rescue dog, and a bit of laziness. As the week progresses, virtual yoga will become my new daily normal as it has for so many of you. I’m sure you have several suggestions, but here are my initial top 10 reasons for practicing with OTM remotely.
1. You can come to class late and jump in at any time without disrupting others in the class.
2. You can turn on your video and get individual tips from the teachers.
3. And if you want to remain somewhat anonymous or practice in your pjs, you can keep your video off.
4. Your whole household can practice together, thus creating a community within the OTM community.
5. You don’t have to worry about the traffic coming through Concord Center.
6. You can buy the remote class pass and sign up for more than one class ahead of time, and spontaneously choose the one you want. (Or if you sleep through one on PST, you don’t have to miss yoga)
7. Your dog can practice downward dog with you along with the other dogs on the screen.
8. If you want an extra dose of yoga, but don’t want to practice twice, you can listen to a class while you cook, walk the dog, or work on a puzzle. The reminders to breathe and feel your feet permeate.
9. You can invite your friends and family outside of Concord to practice with you. I guarantee they will be hooked on the awesome OTM yoga!
10.And best of all for me, I can practice 3000 miles away and still feel connected to my OTM community.
“There is a light in the core of
our being that calls us home—one that can only be seen with closed eyes; We can
feel it as a radiance in the center of our chest. This light of loving
awareness is always here, regardless of our conditioning. It does not matter
how many dark paths we have traveled or how many wounds we have inflicted or
sustained as we have unknowingly stumbled toward this inner radiance. It does
not matter how long we have sleepwalked, seduced by our desires and fears. This
call persists until it is answered, until we surrender to who we really are.
When we do, we feel ourselves at home wherever we are. A hidden beauty reveals
itself in our ordinary life. As the true nature of our Deep Hear is unveiled,
we feel increasingly grateful for no reason—grateful to simply be.”
—John J. Prendergast, PHD, The Deep Heart
Seems like it’s been rainy,
windy, dreary for eons. Which may have helped us shelter inside a bit more. I
remember reading years and years ago in a Seth book that weather can be
influenced, and even created by mass human emotion. Why not? We are far more powerful
than we currently acknowledge, and science is beginning to validate many
phenomena that had seemed inconceivable before. Those seemingly endless days of
“bad” weather seemed congruent with the emotional tone of covid her in New
England. And now SUN! Glorious, warming, invigorating, hope-filled Sun! Today I
will be outside basking and gardening and thanking. And I’m sure the whole
neighborhood, and most of New England will go outside, stand with our faces to
the sun and breathe a huge healing breath of joy. And maybe the collective
energy of that will resonate out across the word as a promise of brighter days
to come.